Arroyo Chorus


Join the Arroyo Choir!

TIME: 7:30 - 8:10 AM

DATES: Tuesdays, January 15th - May 16th

LOCATION: Multi-Purpose Room

DIRECTOR: Mrs. Holly Friend

WHO: All 1st - 5th Grade Arroyo Students

PERFORMANCES: Open House April 25th and fun length choir performance May 16th (both performances will be in the evening at Arroyo)

Permission slips went home in your child's Friday folder and are available in the office.

Arroyo's Chorus meets from January to May on Tuesday mornings from 7:30-8:10 am. All 1st - 5th grade students are welcome to participate in this musical enrichment and have the opportunity to showcase their hard work at the Chorus show in May. 

For more information or if you'd like to help, please contact:

Holly Friend: