"Mrs. Nelson's" Book Fair

Students look forward to discovering new books and draining their piggybanks at our weeklong Book Fair during the Fall. A portion of book sales benefit the Arroyo PTA and providing enrichment for our students. Volunteers are always needed during this busy event!

This year, Mrs. Nelson's Book Fair takes place on Friday, September 21st through Thursday September 27th. Shop for quality books, educational items, bookmarks, plush characters, and more throughout school hours and the parent-teacher conference period.  Look for Teacher and Arroyo Library Wish Lists and donate books to Ethan and CHOCO's Book Club to grow the library at CHOC Children's Hospital.  Shop for the holidays!  

For more information or if you'd like to help, please contact:

Kate Dearstyne: kdearstyne@londenz.com

Danielle Burton: daniellelawler@hotmail.com